14th Conference on Aviation, Range, and Aerospace Meteorology

Session 5

 Nowcasting and Modeling, Part 2
 Cochairs: John Mecikalski, University of Alabama in Huntsville, Huntsville, AL; Lynn A. Sherretz, NOAA/ESRL, Boulder, CO; David I. Knapp, U.S. Army Research Laboratory, White Sands Missile Range, NM
1:30 PM5.1Comparisons of Nowcasting Techniques for Oceanic Convection  
Huaqing Cai, NCAR, Boulder, Colorado; and C. Kessinger, N. Rehak, D. Megenhardt, and M. Steiner
1:45 PM5.2Satellite Data Applications for Nowcasting of Convective Initiation  
Haig Iskenderian, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Lexington, MA; and J. R. Mecikalski, K. M. Bedka, C. Ivaldi, J. Sieglaff, W. Feltz, M. M. Wolfson, and W. M. MacKenzie Jr.
2:00 PM5.3Development of an advanced aviation nowcasting system in support of air traffic management by blending radar nowcasting data with NWP forecasts  extended abstract
Peter P.W. Li, Hong Kong Observatory, Kowloon, Hong Kong; and W. K. Wong
2:15 PM5.4The ganged phased array radar risk mitigation system: integrating weather effects  
Mark Askelson, Univ. of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND; and J. Tilley, C. Theisen, and R. Johnson
2:30 PM5.5Regime-based persistence probability of ceiling and visibility  extended abstract
Alister Ling, Canadian Meteorological Aviation Centre West, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada; and B. Hansen and I. Gultepe
2:45 PM5.6A comparison of tropical storm (TS) and non-TS gust factors for assessing peak wind probabilities at the Eastern Range  extended abstract
Francis J. Merceret, NASA, Kennedy Space Center, FL; and W. Crawford

Tuesday, 19 January 2010: 1:30 PM-3:00 PM, B314

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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