12th Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry

Session 7

 The Study of Houston Atmospheric Radical Precursors (SHARP) - II
 Cochairs: Bernhard Rappenglueck, Univ. of Houston, Houston, TX; Jochen Stutz, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA
11:00 AM7.1Traffic related emissions of HONO and HCHO in Houston, TX  
Bernhard Rappenglueck, Univ. of Houston, Houston, TX; and S. Alvarez, J. Golovko, I. Y. Eom, L. Ackermann, A. Shnitzler, R. Fuller, and L. Pedemonte
11:15 AM7.2Imaging of point source emissions of HCHO and SO2 in Houston, TX, using Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy  
Jochen Stutz, University of California, Los Angeles, CA; and O. Pikelnaya, D. Fu, J. H. Flynn, and B. L. Lefer
11:30 AM7.3SOF and mobile DOAS measurements during TEXAQS 2009  
Johan M. Mellqvist, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden; and J. Johansson, J. Samuelsson, B. Offerle, B. Rappenglueck, R. Fueller, and C. S. Wilmot
11:45 AM7.4Vertical concentration profiles of O3, NO2, SO2, HCHO, HONO, and NO3 during the 2009 SHARP experiment in Houston, TX  
Kam Weng Wong, University of California, Los Angeles, CA; and C. Tsai, O. Pikelnaya, and J. Stutz
12:00 PM7.5Overview of aircraft-based measurements in support of SHARP, FLAIR and TRENF campaigns  
Sergio L. Alvarez, University of Houston, Houston, TX; and B. Rappenglück, M. Buhr, and M. Shauck

Thursday, 21 January 2010: 11:00 AM-12:15 PM, B315

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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