Evaluation of the Global Atmospheric Multi-layer Transport Model using the European Tracer Experiment
Evaluation of the Global Atmospheric Multi-layer Transport Model using the European Tracer Experiment

Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Handout (860.7 kB)
The Global Atmospheric Multi-layer Transport (GAMUT) model produces estimates of transport and dispersion in the atmosphere on time scales of one to twenty days and on spatial scales of several hundred kilometers to hemispheric. It is well suited to study both individual pollution events and long-term climatological transport studies. The GAMUT model is currently being evaluated against the European Tracer Experiment (ETEX), conducted during October and November of 1994. The baseline GAMUT configuration for ETEX uses local rawinsonde soundings and NCAR/NCEP Reanalysis data. Additional tests will be conducted using fields generated by the Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model version 3.1. Several sets of WRF physics and data processing parameters will be tested to determine the effect on GAMUT's transport calculations. The results of these evaluations will be presented at the conference.