Climate and spatial risk modeling of human plague in Uganda

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Division of Vector Borne Infectious Diseases, is working to understand and model plague dynamics in this region of Uganda. In many parts of the world, plague occurrence is closely associated with temperature and rainfall patterns. High spatial resolution monthly-to-seasonal climate data are required for the modeling effort, but are not currently available over Uganda due to a sparse observational network and a lack of model datasets that resolve the complex climatic gradients in the region. NCAR's Research Applications Laboratory is collaborating with CDC to meet these needs by generating high-quality downscaled climate data for Uganda. We employ a hybrid dynamical-statistical downscaling technique based on the Weather Research and Forecasting Model and the Noah Land Surface Model to generate monthly climate fields with 2-km resolution. This presentation will give an overview of the challenges and early results from both the regional climate modeling and the plague modeling.