DoD Operational Space Weather
DoD Operational Space Weather

Monday, 18 January 2010: 11:15 AM
B303 (GWCC)
The U.S. Air Force is responsible for providing operational space weather support to all elements of the DoD. Air Force Weather Agency (AFWA) carries out this responsibility through a 24/7 operations center that provides tailored products to the warfighter around the globe. These products require a synergetic combination of sensors, environmental models, and a delivery mechanism to the warfighter to enable more informed decision-making by operational commanders. This presentation will give an overview of the current space weather support structure with specific examples of warfighter support success stories. Modernization efforts are helping DoD to prepare for the upcoming solar maximum, and will be described here. In addition, the presentation will highlight areas where interagency teamwork is yielding higher public visibility and hopes that such a common purpose will increase benefits to the nation.