Application of a sensor network to study the energy budget in urban canopies
Application of a sensor network to study the energy budget in urban canopies

Thursday, 21 January 2010: 9:00 AM
B302 (GWCC)
Presentation PDF (120.4 kB)
We adapt a physically-based single-layer urban canopy model to study the energy budget in urban areas. The energy budget scheme in this model is similar to the scheme implemented in the WRF-Noah urban canopy model, but it is decoupled from the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Simulation studies are carried out to quantify the sensitivity of the model to each atmospheric and surface parameter input. Subsequently, experimental investigations are carried out over the Princeton campus through the Sensor Network Over Princeton (SNOP) project. Field test data measured include: (1) surface and air temperatures, longwave and shortwave radiation, soil moisture and soil heat flux using a wireless sensing network and two standard surface energy budget stations; (2) vertical profile of wind speed and temperature up to 500 meters using a SODAR/RASS system; and (3) vertical shear stress and heat flux using a scintillometer. The collected data are used to derive input parameters representative of the campus area, and to test the model predictions.