Adjoint mesoscale observation sensitivity

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- Indicates an Award Winner
Wednesday, 20 January 2010: 4:30 PM
B306 (GWCC)
Clark M. Amerault, NRL, Monterey, CA; and J. D. Doyle

A number of adjoint numerical weather prediction (NWP) models exist that compute the sensitivity of a scalar forecast aspect with respect to the model's initial state. More recently, the adjoint model of the data assimilation system for a handful of global NWP models have been developed. When adjoint data assimilation and NWP models are linked, sensitivities with respect to observations can be determined. These observation sensitivity systems are useful for targeting studies and determining the importance of new observations. An observation sensitivity system is currently under development for the Naval Research Laboratory's Coupled Ocean Atmosphere Prediction System atmospheric model. Preliminary results of this system will be presented at the meeting. This system will provide insight into mesoscale observation sensitivity that is unavailable with current global systems.