The LEAD Gateway II: A Hardened, Persistent Community Resource for Meteorological Research and Education
LEAD is now moving beyond its research intensive phase and is collaborating with Microsoft Research, Inc. (MSR) to strengthen and harden its capabilities into a reliable, highly available platform on which users can execute on-demand, custom workflows that ingest data from real-time data sources such as NEXRAD radars, and carry out sophisticated weather related analysis and modeling tasks. The new architecture is being anchored around the MSR Trident scientific workflow system, Windows Workflow Foundation, and Windows HPC server. LEAD users will access the system either via Trident desktop clients or the Silverlight browser.
This paper describes the technological transition required between the web-based service-oriented architecture and the client-based MSR environment. It further discusses the research and educational opportunities to be made available by the new system, as well as the potential for operational utilization.