The Future of Weather Forecasting and Potential Roles to be Played by NCAR
Building upon the rich 50-year history of accomplishment since NCAR's founding, this presentation looks at challenges and opportunities in weather and climate forecasting during the next two decades and potential roles to be played by NCAR. Opportunities will be driven by new observing systems, high performance parallel computers having millions of processors, numerical models far different from those in use today both in computational constructs as well as their treatment of physical processes, new geo-referenced and grid-based communication capabilities, and vastly improved understanding of the atmosphere, oceans and lithosphere as well as the manner in which humans affect and react to them. Yet these same capabilities also will provide challenges unseen since von Neumann's day.
Deep issues will need to be addressed including the fundamental predictability of phenomena across many time and space scales as a means for improving skill and practical value as well as guiding resource investments. The manner in which forecast information will be integrated into decision making, for example in a completely new air traffic management framework, in financial markets, and in energy and environmental policy, will require vastly new capabilities but, moreover, much different ways of thinking both within the research and policy communities. Finally, in an era where higher education is undergoing its most profound change in the past 100 years, NCAR's relationship with its academic partners, and its role in research, and the provision of facilities and other community resources, must be carefully considered to maximize its value and to ensure effective stewardship.