Aquaplanet GCM simulations of tropical intraseasonal variability

The reduced meridional SST gradient simulation is analyzed during the rest of the talk. Precipitation exhibits a very tight coupling with column saturation fraction in this model, one of the criteria for existence of moisture modes that occur in moist atmospheres of weak horizontal temperature gradients. Moist static energy and moisture budget analysis of the model intraseasonal oscillation indicates that horizontal advection and surface latent heat flux anomalies appear most important for determining the character of intraseasonal variability in the model. Wind-evaporation feedback appears to destabilize the intraseasonal moisture mode, and zonal moisture advection by the basic state flow appears to propagate it slowly eastward. Intraseasonal variability collapses in a mechanism denial experiment in which wind-evaporation feedback is withheld. However, this No-WISHE experiment still includes high space and time frequency convective structures that propagate slowly eastward at 5 m s-1, supporting the role of horizontal advection in eastward propagation. The broader implication of these experiments for the dynamics of tropical intraseasonal variability is discussed, including how gross moist stability determines the nature of intraseasonal variability in the model.