GOES-R Risk Reduction Program
GOES-R Risk Reduction Program

Tuesday, 19 January 2010: 5:15 PM
B313 (GWCC)
An overview of the GOES-R Risk Reduction program and activities will be presented. Since 2004 the NOAA GOES-R Risk Reduction program has funded efforts to develop, test and evaluate products and applications that will be possible in the GOES-R era. Successful work from the Risk Reduction program feed into GOES-R “proving ground” efforts to provide realistic demonstrations to potential users and/or to the GOES-R Algorithm Working Group for consideration to improve the GOES-R ground systems. Work today includes research related to the Advanced Baseline Imager (detection of warm rain signatures, amplitudes of mountain wave clouds, blowing dust), the lightning mapper (cloud-to-ground versus in-cloud lightning identification), data assimilation (First Order Time-extrapolation to Observations technique) and the space weather instrument suite (predicting radiation belt electron conditions). The current and next phases of the GOES-R Risk Reduction program will focus on research that combines GOES-R data from numerous sensors with other available in-situ, model-based or satellite data to provide the most complete information possible for analysis and forecasting. Research conducted using tools and standards that are available (or will be available) in numerous operational settings is encouraged to facilitate a broad community of end-users. Research that builds upon previous successes and provides bridges to other programs is also of high importance.