Evaluation of a regional air-quality model (AURAMS) for two field campaign periods over south-eastern Canada and U.S. northeast: impact of meteorology on air quality
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The two summers (2004 and 2007) are quite different, in the sense that the summer of 2004 was characterized as been cooler and wetter than normal over eastern North America while the summer of 2007 was closer to normal over the region. The ozone monitoring data from the AIRNOW network shows an average of 4 ppb difference between ICARTT period (lower) and the BAQSMet period (higher) both in terms of ozone1-hour daily maximum and daily mean. As for PM2.5 mass, although the average levels are comparable between the two periods, the speciated PM data from the IMPROVE network indicates a distinct difference in the composition of PM2.5 over the region, namely the sulfate fraction is significantly higher in the summer of 2004 than the summer of 2007.
This paper will focus on the comparison of model performance between the two periods, model's ability in capturing the impact of meteorology on air quality in the region as seen from the network monitoring data, aiming at shedding light to the roles of different processes affecting ozone and PM in the region.