The Decoupled Direct Method for Higher-Order Sensitivity Analysis for Particulate Matter in Multidimensional Air Quality Models
The Decoupled Direct Method for Higher-Order Sensitivity Analysis for Particulate Matter in Multidimensional Air Quality Models

Monday, 18 January 2010
Exhibit Hall B2 (GWCC)
The decoupled direct method (DDM) has been implemented in air quality models to effectively perform second-order sensitivity analysis of particulate matter (PM). The application of DDM sensitivity analysis is currently available in the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model for first- and second-order sensitivities of gas-phase species as well as first-order sensitivities of PM. As gas-phase species and particulate matter are closely coupled; and as the higher-order sensitivities can better capture the non-linear responses, in this work, DDM sensitivity analysis is extended to compute second-order PM sensitivities. Also, particulate matter often exists as non-ideal solutions, so the effect of chemical activity on the DDM sensitivity analysis of PM is evaluated. An initial application is to assess the non-linearity in the response of PM to SO2, NOx, and ammonia emission controls.