Processing COSMIC/FORMOSAT-3 data for use in near-real time assimilation
We will describe the status of a new processing system for COSMIC being developed to enable NRT data input to GAIM. The system produces TEC measurements every 10 seconds from raw GPS phase and range data acquired between the COSMIC receiver and a GPS satellite. Critical steps in the processing are: leveling the differential phase data to pseudorange data, and estimating the interfrequency biases for the fore and aft receiver/antenna pairs on each COSMIC satellite. COSMIC satellites tend to exhibit large multipath contributions in the range data, leading to poorly determined phase level when not accounted for. The new processing system utilizes a leveling method with weights derived from in-situ multipath estimates, to limit the effect of large multipath on the leveling. Additionally, the new system utilizes an on-the-fly interfrequency bias estimation technique for each COSMIC receiver/antenna pair. This technique uses a moving 10-day window to smooth variability of the daily bias estimates. This COSMIC data processing system is an essential building block needed to implement the near real-time assimilation of COSMIC data into GAIM, providing improved ionospheric weather nowcasting and forecasting.