The influence of the Chesapeake Bay Breeze on Maryland air quality
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To further illustrate the Chesapeake Bay breeze trend and its influence on ozone accumulation, two case studies will be shown. In both cases, the bay breeze affect on ozone was underestimated. The air quality episodes were predicted to reach the Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups category of the Air Quality Index (AQI) while ozone actually increased to the Unhealthy AQI category. On June 8, 2007, the bay breeze began to form at approximately 16 UTC. In this case, the bay breeze boundary penetrated further inland than is commonly observed, allowing for the daily maximum 8-hour average ozone concentration to reach 108 ppb, Unhealthy AQI category, at the Aldino air monitoring site. The second air quality episode on June 25, 2009 experienced an earlier bay breeze onset at 14 UTC. Ozone concentrations quickly rose as the bay breeze grew stronger leading to a daily maximum 8-hour ozone value of 109 ppb, Unhealthy AQI category, at the Edgewood air monitoring site. During this episode, the ozone plume was easily tracked by comparing the time in which the maximum 1-hour ozone concentration was observed for each affected site. The plume followed the bay breeze boundary and traveled northeast toward Philadelphia, PA.