Impact of using satellite-derived clouds to calculate photolysis rates in the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) Model v4.7

Handout (168.7 kB)
The 5th Generation Mesoscale Model (MM5) and now more recently the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model include the capability of assimilating satellite-derived clouds to improve the performance of model predictions. In addition, CMAQv4.7 includes an option to use satellite-derived cloud products to calculate photolysis rates. This study will investigate the impacts of using satellite-derived products on SO42- model performance. The period of July 2005 will be simulated using two different CMAQ model configurations, one utilizing model-derived photolysis rate estimates and the other utilizing the satellite-derived estimates. The SO42- predictions from each simulation will be compared to available surface observations and the performance of each simulation assessed. This work has direct implications for many retrospective air quality simulation applications, including federal rule-making and to State Implementation Plan (SIP) development.