Updates of Online Visualization and Analysis of Global Merged Geostationary Satellite Infrared Dataset

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Wednesday, 20 January 2010
Zhong Liu, George Mason University/CEOSR, Fairfax, VA and NASA/GSFC GES DISC, Greenbelt, MD; and D. Ostrenga and G. Leptoukh

The Goddard Earth Sciences Data Information Services Center (GES DISC) is home of Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) data archive. The global merged IR product, also known as, the NCEP/CPC half-hourly, 4-km Global (60šN - 60šS) IR Dataset, is one of TRMM ancillary datasets. They are globally-merged pixel-resolution IR brightness temperature data (equivalent blackbody temperatures), merged from all available geostationary satellites (GOES-8/10, METEOSAT-7/5 & GMS). The availability of data from METEOSAT-5, which is located at 63E at the present time, yields a unique opportunity for total global coverage. The GES DISC has collected over 9 years of the data beginning from February of 2000. This high temporal resolution dataset not only provides additional background information to TRMM and other satellite missions, but also allows observing a wide range of meteorological phenomena from space, such as, hurricanes, typhoons, tropical cyclones, mesoscale convective systems, etc.

Despite that the data can be downloaded via ftp, however, its large volume poses a challenge for many users. A single file occupies about 70 MB disk space and there is a total of ~83,000 files (~5.5 TB) for the past 9 years. To generate one image, one has to download the entire file, which could be time consuming and require a lot of disk space if more files are involved. Users will need to develop their own software as well.

In order to facilitate data access, we have developed a web prototype, as a part of the Hurricane Data Analysis Tool (http://disc.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/hurricane/trmm_quikscat_analysis.shtml), to allow users to conduct online visualization and analysis of this dataset. With a web browser and few mouse clicks, users can have a full access to over 9 year and over 5.5 TB data and generate black and white IR imagery and animation without downloading any software and data. Basic functions include selection of area of interest, single imagery or animation, a time skip capability for different temporal resolution and image size. Users can save an animation as a file (animated gif) and import it in other presentation software, such as, Microsoft PowerPoint. Since the tool can directly access the real data, more features and functionality can be added in the future.

This presentation will present the latest updates and examples.