Inundation Mapping using Hydraulic model and Geographic Information System Case Study: Tar River basin during Hurricane Floyd

Handout (140.8 kB)
The objective of this project is to evaluate a HEC-RAS model from a section of the Tar River basin at Greenville, North Carolina, during the Hurricane Floyd event; comparing computed water surface elevation with observed high water marks (HWM) and evaluating the resultant flood extent maps. After running the HEC-RAS model we exported the computed surface water elevation (SWE) to HEC-GeoRAS. We then produced the correspondent flood extent maps and compared the results with the HWM and found that the SWE has been underestimated by 1-2 feet. This error is due to the uncertainties associated with the digital data and GIS analysis. We conclude that HEC-RAS models are valuable tools for inundation mapping. If the hydraulic model is georeferenced, it covers the entire floodplain and high resolution elevation data is used for the flood extent calculations