The Quick Urban & Industrial Complex (QUIC) chemical, biological, and radiological agent dispersion modeling system

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Wednesday, 20 January 2010: 11:15 AM
B308 (GWCC)
Michael J. Brown, LANL, Los Alamos, NM; and M. A. Nelson, M. D. Williams, A. Gowardhan, and E. Pardyjak

The Quick Urban & Industrial Complex (QUIC) transport and dispersion modeling system was developed to rapidly compute 3D contaminant diffusion around buildings. It consists of a 3D wind model, a random-walk dispersion model, and a graphical user interface. The tool has been specialized for dealing with chemical, biological, and radiological agent releases in cities and at industrial facilities. Capabilities include: radiological dispersal device (RDD) source terms that account for buoyant rise and multi-particle size gravitational settling; dense gas chemical agent dispersion with topographical effects and two-phase droplet thermodynamics; multi-particle size biological agent dispersion; bio-slurry (evaporating droplet) dispersion; 2-phase chemical agent (droplet/vapor mixture) dispersion; building infiltration and exfiltration; deposition on building surfaces; nested grids; meteorological data assimilation; vegetative canopies; pressure distribution on buildings; and a population calculator with an included day-night USA population database. In this presentation we will provide an overview of it's capabilities, it's intended uses, and limitations.