OMPS TC EDR Algorithm: Improvement and Verification
OMPS TC EDR Algorithm: Improvement and Verification

Wednesday, 20 January 2010
The Ozone Mapping and Profiler Suite (OMPS) is scheduled to be launched on the NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP) platform in early 2011. The OMPS will continue monitoring ozone from space, using three instruments, namely the Total Column Mapper (heritage: TOMS), the Nadir Profiler (heritage: SBUV) and the Limb Profiler (heritage: SOLSE/LORE). The Total Column Mapper (TC) sensor images the Earth through a slit, nadir-cell horizontally spaced at 49.5 km cross-track with an along-track reporting interval of 50 km. The total field of view (FOV) cross track is 110 degrees to provide daily global coverage. The TC sensor, a grating spectrometer, provides 0.45 nm spectral sampling across the wavelength range of 300–380 nm. The calibration stability, which is essential to enable long-term ozone monitoring, is maintained by periodic observations of the Sun, using a diffuser to redirect the solar irradiance into the sensor. We describe the data analysis method being presently implemented to retrieve the total column ozone Earth Data Record (EDR) from the radiance data measured by the TC sensor. We discuss the software changes, the test data used to verify the functional performance and the test results.