(Introduction) Observations from space: A unique vantage point for the study of the weather conditions and its association with the disease occurrence

Health providers/researchers need environmental data to study and understand the geographic, environmental, and meteorological differences in disease. Satellite remote sensing of the environment offers a unique vantage point that can fill in the gaps of environmental, spatial, and temporal data for tracking disease. The field of geospatial health remains in its infancy, and this program will demonstrate the need for collaborations between multi-disciplinary research groups to develop the full potential. NASA will discuss some of their Public Health Projects and also providing the audience with information on opportunities for future collaborations with NASA for future research.
Satellite earth observations present a unique vantage point of the earth's environment from space which offers a wealth of health applications for the imaginative investigator. The session is directly related to GIS Mapping and Global Health Surveillance and will present research results of the remote sensing environmental observations of earth and health applications which can contribute to the public health research.
NASA has used satellite remote sensing of the environment to provide a method for bridging gaps of environmental, spatial, and temporal data for tracking disease. This session will provide an overview of projects dealing with pandemic influenza, malaria, famine and how geographic and racial difference affect stoke patients.
Conclusions and Recommendations
This session provides a venue where the results of both research and practice using remote sensing to study weather and how it can be applied to public health. This session will serve as an introduction of a session with specific projects that will show how weather and public health are related.