Large-scale dynamical processes associated with summer intraseasonal variability over South America
The SASS activity in the 10-30 day and 30-90 day intraseasonal bands of variability was isolated performing two separate EOF analyses of the corresponding filtered OLR anomalies over South America. Lagged regression maps show that the SASS variability in the 30-90-day band is related to an OLR anomaly pattern characterized by an eastward traveling wavenumber 1 structure in the Tropics similar to that for MJO, and a wave train propagating downstream from a convectively active area in the tropical Pacific. On the other hand, the SASS variability in the 10-30-day band does not seem to be associated with changes in the convection over western tropical Pacific. Rossby-like wave trains emanating from the subpolar jet exit regions moving eastward towards South America characterize the circulation anomaly pattern for that variability band.
Through an energy balance, the dominant processes related to how the large-scale circulation anomalies associated with both variability bands constructively or destructively contribute to induce the local conditions for SASS development over South America, are also explored.