Challenges in implementing NWSRFS in Romania
Challenges in implementing NWSRFS in Romania

Wednesday, 20 January 2010
The National Weather Service River Forecast System (NWSRFS) software and some associated AWIPS and GEMPAK software have been used in Romania to assist in the short-term (2-5 days) and long-term (90+ days) river forecasting processes. The use of this U.S. software along with an extensive network of stations, terrain and land use characteristics, limited sources of meteorological forecast data and a variety of stakeholders have all presented many challenges during implementation.
Computing resources and NWSRFS software have been installed at the Romanian National Institute of Hydrology and Water Management and at all 11 basin directorate offices. Initial soil, snow and other parameterization for the RFS has been completed for all 11 Romanian basins. Many sources of historical data have been mined and in some cases combined to produce adequate 8 to 10 year datasets to be used in calibration. These datasets are being used to improve model parameters so river forecast performance can be improved.