Intercomparisons between LSM and satellite-retrieved estimates of surface (0-5 cm) and root-zone (5-100 cm) soil moisture across the continental United States
The satellite retrievals of soil moisture will be compared to soil moisture estimates provided by a retrospective Land Information System simulation using the NOAH LSM during the time period of 2003 - 2008. The TIR-based soil moisture product is provided by a retrieval of soil moisture associated with surface flux estimates from the Atmosphere-Land-Exchange-Inversion (ALEXI) model (Anderson et al., 1997; Mecikalski et al., 1999; Hain et al., 2009). The PM soil moisture retrieval is provided by the Vrijie Universiteit Amsterdam(VUA)-NASA surface soil moisture product. The VUA retrieval is based on the findings of Owe et al. (2001; 2008) using the Land Surface Parameter model (LPRM), which uses one dual polarized channel (6.925 or 10.65 GHz) for a dual-retrieval of surface soil moisture and vegetation water content.
Each soil moisture product is scaled with respect to its climatology to provide a means to perform a direct comparison in the form of anomaly correlations during the 2003 - 2008 time periods. Comparisons between LSM and microwave-based soil moisture estimates are made with respect to the 0 - 5 cm soil layer of the NOAH LSM, while comparisons with TIR-based soil moisture estimates are made with respect to the root-zone (5 - 100 cm) soil layers.