Lessons Learned from Conducting an International Student Climate Investigation: Data, Collaboration and Social Networking
This presentation will share the results of the fall 2009 Great Global Investigation of Temperature with a focus on the pedagogical lessons learned during the 2 month mini-investigation related to international collaboration and student-scientist interaction. The GGIT will engage 25 middle and secondary school classrooms from 10 countries in temperature data collection, analysis and comparison with historic temperature measurements local to each classroom. Students will collect temperature data for one month following scientifically valid data collection. They will analyze their data using a web-based GIS interface and share their findings with NASA scientists participating in the investigation.. Finally, they will compare their findings with an historic dataset of temperature collected in their region. The student learning goals of this mini-investigation include understanding what data can and cannot tell us, gaining a perspective for weather versus climate by examining spatial and temporal variability of data, and understanding the global nature of temperature by comparing local findings to those of students in other parts of the world. This investigation is unique in that it (1) provides opportunity to network and collaborate with classrooms around the globe, (2) enables comparison of student data with that of the local historic climate record, and (3) facilitates interaction with NASA scientists.