Knowing which way the wind blows: weather observation, belief and practice in Native Oklahoma – first impressions

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To date, my informants have explained traditional weather and climate knowledge to me mostly as the observation of key signs in nature that may be guided but not constrained by tribal worldviews of nature. Family members like fathers or grandfathers have passed down these signs. These signs most often consist of the behavior of animals and plants and of the clouds and stars, signs consistent with those I found during pre-research with historical documents as explained by previous generations in Oklahoma and across the U.S. The farmers have are prideful about their weather and farming knowledge, and sometimes other farmers, often younger, seek them out for their knowledge. They feel their particular observations are likely unique to their place but also feel that similar signs are available in other places, just conveyed to local people in different ways. Farming traditionally includes no-till methods that conserve water, and maintaining seed varieties in a time of genetically modified organisms is seen as an extremely high but difficult-to-maintain priority. Climate change is viewed by the farmers as something that is ongoing and exacerbated by humans, but that their farming has been modified so far in a good way by allowing for the later planting in the fall of over-winter crops such as wheat because of the perception that freezes are occurring later than normal. The farmers I have talked to feel that what they know could contribute locally to the discourse and practice regarding climate change adaptation.