The characterization of the effect of antenna polarization errors on simultaneous horizontal and vertical transmitt polarization data
The characterization of the effect of antenna polarization errors on simultaneous horizontal and vertical transmitt polarization data

Wednesday, 20 January 2010: 1:30 PM
B218 (GWCC)
Presentation PDF (833.2 kB)
Many radars are now adopting the simultaneous transmission of horizontal and
vertical polarization to achieve dual polarization data streams. The technique relies
on two assumptions 1) the mean canting angle of the precipitation particles in
propagation medium is zero and 2) the antenna polarization errors are negligible.
If either condition is not met, it has been shown that biases in the dual polarization
data appear, especially for differential reflectivity. This paper investigates the nature
of the antenna polarization errors and quantifies their effects on dual polarization data.
Data from several radars are used to illustrate the theory presented.