Observations of trans-boundary transport of ozone precursors in the Middle East
Observations of trans-boundary transport of ozone precursors in the Middle East

Monday, 18 January 2010: 4:00 PM
B315 (GWCC)
As part of an ongoing USAID MERC research program that is investigating the transport of pollutants in the eastern Mediterranean region, a joint coordinated measurement campaign involving scientists from Jordan and Israel took place for a two-week period in June 2009. The study was aimed at examining previous modeling results obtained using CAMx and RAMS that indicated that elevated ozone levels should occur in Northern Jordan from emissions in Northern Israel that are transported a distance of more than 100 km. Ozone and other pollutants were monitored at four sites in Israel (i.e., Haifa, Kiryat Tivon, Afula, and Maoz Heim) and two in Jordan (i.e., Tiebe and Irbid). The sites (some permanent and some mobile) were located along the prevailing wind direction that presumably moves air-masses eastward from the Mediterranean coast, over the Israel Valley toward the Jordan Valley, and then into Northern Jordan. Results confirmed the previous modeling results, suggesting that peak ozone values are observed at later hours as a function of distance from the Mediterranean coast and that maximum ozone levels are found over northern Jordan.