WRF-Chem lightning NOx parameterization at Florida State University: FSULNOX

Previous studies have shown that radar-derived storm height and other parameters are strongly correlated with lightning flash rate. Using data from the Kennedy Space Center Lightning Detection And Ranging (LDAR) Network and WSR-88D radar, a lightning parameterization has been developed for use in WRF-Chem. The parameterization uses a relation between lightning flash rate and storm top height above the freezing level to predict lightning flash rates. The predicted flash rates and a NOx production term then determine the two dimensional LNOx pattern. Finally, we have constructed climatological vertical distributions of lightning sources measured by the LDAR network at Kennedy Space Center as a function of storm top height above the freezing level. These vertical profiles are used to distribute the LNOx in three-dimensions at each model grid point. Values of NOx and ozone calculated by WRF-Chem, with and without the addition of the lightning parameterization, will be presented. Results will be compared to aircraft data from the INTEX-A project.