Evaluating SODAR performance and data quality in subarctic western Alaska
Evaluating SODAR performance and data quality in subarctic western Alaska

Wednesday, 20 January 2010: 5:15 PM
B302 (GWCC)
Presentation PDF (558.5 kB)
In September 2008, a Sonic Detection and Ranging (SODAR) antenna and two Radio Acoustic Sounding System (RASS) antennae were installed in a remote location of southwestern Alaska approximately 300 miles west-northwest of Anchorage. At the conclusion of one monitoring year, a review of the installation and data collection processes will be completed. The effect of extreme meteorological conditions will be evaluated with respect to the SODAR and RASS operation, as well as their effect on meteorological data quality and data recovery rates. Data comparisons, audits, and quality control of SODAR and RASS data will be evaluated against radiosonde data and three meteorological monitoring stations within a three mile radius of the SODAR and RASS antennae. The unique boundary layer meteorology, such as temperature inversions, topographic induced flow, and diurnal cycles of the local area will be discussed. Finally, this report will review uses and practical applications of the SODAR and RASS data.