Joach Kuettner as the GATE Operations Director
Joach Kuettner as the GATE Operations Director

Tuesday, 19 January 2010: 3:30 PM
B203 (GWCC)
The acronym for Joach's role in the massive tropical experiment called GATE speaks for itself! From the day he replaced the late Ben Davidson to complete the BOMEX (1969) program successfully, he became the obvious candidate to lead the planning, field program, and analysis phase of the far more ambitious GATE, based in Dakar, Senegal from June-Sept 1974. Even as he was exhorting us to complete the planning documents, or adjudicating disagreements between international participants, or chairing the Mission Selection Team every day in the field, Joach was the consummate gentleman who made each of us feel welcome and our role important, while never forgetting that we were there to achieve the scientific objectives. This talk will share some examples of Joach's leadership style, illustrated by a few video clips from the GATE DVD prepared by NCAR.