Climate and Extreme Events: A Hydrologic perspective (Invited)

Addressing the impact of floods and droughts on local and regional and scales will require prediction capabilities at 3 time scales (short, mid, and long term). At the short time scale, the prediction of floods is a major hydrologic challenge. Besides requiring a well-calibrated hydrologic model, one needs accurate and timely Quantitative Precipitation Estimates (QPE) as well as Forecasts (QPF) as inputs to the hydrologic models. At the mid and long term time-scales, traditional hydrologic approaches relied on statistical methods and only recently the use of climate models has been gaining in popularity. However, at these time-scales, the transition from point-based statistical methods to climate models requires major efforts in developing global-scale climatic data sets (e.g., precipitation) at high spatial and temporal resolutions sufficient to revisit the parameters of the statistical methods. This will allow better representation of non-stationarity of extreme events climatology.
This presentation will focus on the current state of our progress in each of the three time scales and use examples from recent studies.