Social Science Woven into Meteorology: A new partnership at the National Weather Center
SSWIM includes researchers and graduate students from diverse backgrounds, including geography, anthropology, and communication studies. SSWIM weaves social science concepts and methodologies into the fabric of weather and climate applications and considers the complex problems at the intersection of weather, climate, and society. SSWIM addresses many challenges and opportunities including, but not limited to, improving forecasts and warnings, reducing social vulnerability to natural hazards, and understanding community and cultural adaptations to weather extremes, climate variations, and climate change.
This poster highlights SSWIM research projects showing some of the ways that SSWIM contributes to efforts to increase social science participation in weather and climate research and applications. These projects include work on next generation warning tools, probabilistic hazard information, daily examples of adaptation to climate change, visual communication of weather hazards, and drought perceptions and preparedness in several communities in Oklahoma.