NOAA Plans for Next Generation, Space-based, Operational Earth
NOAA Plans for Next Generation, Space-based, Operational Earth

Tuesday, 19 January 2010: 9:00 AM
B313 (GWCC)
Mary Kicza, Assistant Administrator for NOAA Satellite and Information Services will provide an overview of NOAA's satellite plans to maintain operational continuity of current observations and to identify research measurements and missions that are high priority candidates for research to operations transition. Particular focus will be given to key recommendations from the National Research Council's Decadal Survey as they relate to transitioning research observations into operations – vector sea-surface winds, GPS radio occultation, and total solar irradiance (which was restored to NPOESS). NOAA is eager to meet future needs by working with our domestic partners on coordinated U.S. Earth observation investments and the international community to ensure long-term global measurements. Having a comprehensive strategic plan for investment will enable improved decision-making on Earth observation platforms at a national level and encourage flexible investment based on needs. Satellite agencies must continue to look at ways to meet future requirements from the scientific and operational communities while sustaining current operational capabilities.