Forecasting Southern Plains wind ramp events using the WRF model at 3km
Forecasting Southern Plains wind ramp events using the WRF model at 3km

Sunday, 17 January 2010
Exhibit Hall B2 (GWCC)
Handout (376.6 kB)
Wind ramp events—extreme and rapid changes in wind power output due to abrupt changes in wind speed—are a growing concern for the wind energy industry; therefore, precise forecasting of these phenomena is crucial to the advancement of wind power in the United States. Weather Decision Technologies, Inc., (WDT) is partnering with NanoWeather, Inc., to create a wind forecasting system, called WindPredictorTM, in order to precisely predict winds (and, in turn, ramps) for the energy industry. WDT's contribution to WindPredictor will be a customized version of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model, which is currently being run on a 3-km grid. This research project assessed the 3-km WRF's performance regarding ramp event prediction. A comparison between surface wind forecasts and hourly METAR observations was utilized to assess its performance.