Statistical tropical cyclone track model for the western North Pacific with genesis dependence on large-scale climate state
Statistical tropical cyclone track model for the western North Pacific with genesis dependence on large-scale climate state

Sunday, 17 January 2010
Exhibit Hall B2 (GWCC)
Evolution in landfall rates of intense tropical cyclones (TCs) is of major concern to coastal populations and policy makers. We are developing a statistical model of western North Pacific TCs to estimate the sensitivity of East-Asia landfall to large-scale climate state. The model is based on the 1945-2007 International Best Track Archive for Climate Stewardship track data. TC genesis and lysis locations are determined using kernel probably distribution functions with optimized length-scales. The genesis location and frequency depend on basin-wide SST and ENSO. For TC propagation, we compute local means and variances of 6-hourly displacements using optimized averaging kernels and treat the residuals as autoregressive. We use the model to generate 100s of stochastic realizations of the 1945-2007 period and compare landfall rates to historical rates to assess model performance. The results of landfall sensitivity are shown.