The DOW Radar Observations at Purdue study (DROPs)
The DOW Radar Observations at Purdue study (DROPs)

Sunday, 17 January 2010
Exhibit Hall B2 (GWCC)
The DOW Radar Observations at Purdue study, or DROPs, will be conducted 21 October - 18 November 2009, within a ~100 km range of Purdue University, in West Lafayette, Indiana. During the field phase, a DOW will be used to collect radar data on a variety of precipitating weather systems, in different data acquisition modes. Our deployments will be opportunistic: The period represents a transition season, and hence offers the possible occurrence of isolated severe and non-severe thunderstorms, mesoscale convective systems, frontal rainbands, and even lake-effect snowfall.
The DROPs missions will be facilitated by students enrolled in EAS 523, Radar Meteorology. Student teams will have the responsibility of forecasting target areas, planning the mission, and deciding upon—and modifying as needed—the radar sampling strategy. The teams will also provide nowcasting and other operational support. Preliminary results of DROPs will be presented at the conference.