Monday, 23 January 2012: 1:45 PM
Integrated Hazard Information Services -- Phase 1 -- Forecaster Tools in AWIPS II
Room 357 (New Orleans Convention Center )
The Integrated Hazard Information Services (IHIS) project is one component of the National Weather Service's (NWS) AWIPS II extended effort.� The goal of Phase 1 of IHIS is to integrate three applications that currently generate hazardous weather watches, warnings, and advisories: 1) WarnGen, used to create short-fused severe weather warnings; 2) the Graphical Hazards Generator (GHG), used to generate long-fused hazardous weather warnings; and 3) RiverPro, used for creating longer-term river flood warnings.� Phase 2 of IHIS will integrate the National Center hazard generation functionality.� The current paradigm of a one-way flow where forecasters issue products is will evolve in Phase 3 of the project into two-way collaboration where forecasters deliver hazardous weather forecast information and consumers upload hazardous weather impact information to assist forecasters and partners in a larger decision-support process.
Our talk will focus on Phase 1 of the project -- Forecaster tools for integrating WarnGen, GHG, and RiverPro hazard generation tools in AWIPS II.� AWIPS II prototypes will be presented with a consistent look and feel across perspectives (D2D, GFE, Hydro), but retaining the efficiency of short-fused, long-fused, and hydro tools.� We will report on the process of gathering requirements for production development through a workshop and focus groups.� We will report on collaborations with NWSWarn, COMET, Iris, UW, RENCI, SSWIM with the goal of improving the hazard generation process and increase situational understanding across the enterprise.
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