92nd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting (January 22-26, 2012)

Monday, 23 January 2012: 1:45 PM
Integrated Hazard Information Services -- Phase 1 -- Forecaster Tools in AWIPS II
Room 357 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Tracy Lee Hansen, NOAA/ESRL, Boulder, CO; and B. A. Lawrence, C. Golden, M. T. Filiaggi, L. J. Smith, X. Jing, J. Wakefield, S. Williams, C. H. Paxton, M. Mathewson, T. J. LeFebvre, E. Polster, and G. Chien

The Integrated Hazard Information Services (IHIS) project is one component of the National Weather Service's (NWS) AWIPS II extended effort.� The goal of Phase 1 of IHIS is to integrate three applications that currently generate hazardous weather watches, warnings, and advisories: 1) WarnGen, used to create short-fused severe weather warnings; 2) the Graphical Hazards Generator (GHG), used to generate long-fused hazardous weather warnings; and 3) RiverPro, used for creating longer-term river flood warnings.� Phase 2 of IHIS will integrate the National Center hazard generation functionality.� The current paradigm of a one-way flow where forecasters issue products is will evolve in Phase 3 of the project into two-way collaboration where forecasters deliver hazardous weather forecast information and consumers upload hazardous weather impact information to assist forecasters and partners in a larger decision-support process.

Our talk will focus on Phase 1 of the project -- Forecaster tools for integrating WarnGen, GHG, and RiverPro hazard generation tools in AWIPS II.� AWIPS II prototypes will be presented with a consistent look and feel across perspectives (D2D, GFE, Hydro), but retaining the efficiency of short-fused, long-fused, and hydro tools.� We will report on the process of gathering requirements for production development through a workshop and focus groups.� We will report on collaborations with NWSWarn, COMET, Iris, UW, RENCI, SSWIM with the goal of improving the hazard generation process and increase situational understanding across the enterprise.

Supplementary URL: http://integratedhazards@noaa.gov