The shelf hypoxia pilot project provides a multi-model nesting, comparison, evaluation, transition scenario intended to improve modeling capabilities and, at the same time, challenge the design and development of the super-regional testbed cyber-infrastructure. The shelf hypoxia pilot project consists of three sub-projects. First is the hindcast comparison and evaluation of the hydrodynamic and biogeochemical performance of a northern Gulf of Mexico shelf hypoxia model based on the Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) and nested within three different existing basin-wide Gulf of Mexico models. Second is the hindcast evaluation of this shelf hypoxia model of the northern Gulf compared to a shelf hypoxia model developed by the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) and based on the Naval Coastal Ocean Model (NCOM). Third is the evaluation and transition to operations of the Naval Oceanographic Office AMSEAS Gulf of Mexico/Caribbean regional forecast system based on NCOM. Real-time, operational output from the 3 km resolution AMSEAS is currently available from at the NOAA Ocean Prediction Center with output archived back to 25 May 2010 available on the NGI/NOAA developmental OceanNOMADS ( The atmospheric forcing used to drive the ocean model is also included with the ocean forecast variables allowing some limited buoy wind comparisons during this project.
We will present initial results from the hindcast experiments of the nested shelf model demonstrating the importance of the offshore boundary conditions for the skillful prediction of salinity but no demonstrable improvement in predictive skill for dissolved oxygen. Additional results show however that dissolved oxygen is highly sensitive to the choice of bottom boundary condition, suggesting that the most immediate need for improving oxygen predictions is at the bottom boundary. We will also provide selected results from the AMSEAS operational forecast evaluation as well as examples of OceanNOMADS capabilities.
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