The GOES-R Proving Ground (PG) engages the National Weather Service (NWS) forecast, watch and warning community and other agency users in pre-operational demonstrations of select products with GOES-R attributes (enhanced spectral, spatial, and temporal resolution). In the PG, developers and forecasters test and apply algorithms for new GOES-R satellite data and products using proxy and simulated data sets, including observations from current and future satellite instruments (MODIS, AIRS, IASI, SEVIRI, NAST-I, NPP/VIIRS/CrIS, LIS), lightning networks, and computer simulated products. The complete list of products to be evaluated in 2012 will be determined after evaluating results from experiments in 2011 at the NWS' Storm Prediction Center, National Hurricane Center, Aviation Weather Center, Ocean Prediction Center, Hydrometeorological Prediction Center, and from the six NWS regions. The products will include: cloud and moisture imagery, cloud phase, cloud/snow discrimination, low cloud and fog product, convective initiation, volcanic ash detection and height, sulfur dioxide detection, aircraft icing threat, enhanced “V”/overshooting top detection, hurricane intensity estimates, red-green-blue (RGB) air mass product, Saharan air layer (SAL) product, super rapid scan imagery, tropical cyclone rapid intensification index, lightning detection, hail probability, and a “nearcasting product”. Some additional products may be selected in consultation with the NWS and their partners.
In 2012 and beyond, the PG will test and validate data processing and distribution systems and the applications of these products in operational settings. Additionally developers and forecasters will test and apply display techniques and decision aid tools in operational environments. The PG is both a recipient and a source of training. Training materials are developed using various distance training tools in close collaboration with NWS Training Division and its partners at COMET, CIMSS, CIRA and other offices. The training is used to prepare the participants of PG activities, such as the Hazardous Weather Testbed's Spring Experiment and other locations listed above.
A key component of the proving ground is two-way interaction, where researchers introduce new products and techniques to forecasters and other scientists. The forecasters and other users then provide feedback and ideas for improved or new products and how to best incorporate these into NOAA's integrated observing and analysis operations. This presentation will provide examples of GOES-R proxy products and forecaster evaluations from experiments at the Storm Prediction Center (SPC), the National Hurricane Center (NHC), the Aviation Weather Center (AWC), and the Alaska Region.
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