The Weather and Climate Toolkit (WCT) is free, platform independent software distributed from NOAA's National Climatic Data Center (NCDC).� The WCT allows the visualization and data export of weather and climate data, including Radar, Satellite and Model data.�
The WCT provides tools for custom data overlays, Web Map Service (WMS) background maps, animations and basic filtering. The export of images and movies is provided in multiple formats.� The WCT Data Export Wizard allows for data export in both vector polygon/point (Shapefile, Well-Known Text) and raster (GeoTIFF, ESRI Grid, Gridded NetCDF) formats.� These data export features promote the interoperability of weather and climate information with various scientific communities and common software packages such as ArcGIS, Google Earth, MatLAB, etc��
Advanced data export support for Google Earth enables the 2-D and 3-D export of rendered data, isosurfaces and cross-sections.� An embedded, integrated Google Earth plugin instance allows the seamless visualization of data on a native 3-D Google Earth instance linked to the standard 2-D map.�
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