We present an overview of the droughts in recent decades and put them in the context the past and the potential impacts of global warming. The variability of drought is derived from reconstructions based on paleoclimate data for the past millennium and land surface modeling in the instrumental era. For some regions, 20th century droughts pale into insignificance compared to the long-term droughts of the past 1000 years. In other regions, recent changes may be outside of the range of variability of the long-term record and hint at the influence of global warming on increased drought occurrence and severity. A detectable signal is, however, generally confounded by uncertainties in the data, particularly for precipitation, but also the combined impact of changes in evapotranspiration, its driving radiative and aerodynamic controls and the models used to calculate the land surface hydrological response. We present the latest updates to our reconstructions of drought over recent decades and an improved estimate of the uncertainties. We also evaluate the impact of changes in radiation, humidity and windspeed on the water budget and characteristics of drought. Changes in the drivers of atmospheric demand will be a key factor in future changes in drought and the feedbacks between the land and atmosphere that intensify droughts and heatwaves, although near-term changes (5-10 years) will be dominated by slow moving variability of the oceans. Future climate projections over the 21st century indicate that some regions will get drier on average, such as the US southwest, the Mediterranean and southern Africa, and others regions will get wetter. However, warming that will induce greater atmospheric demand globally via increases in radiation and atmospheric water holding capacity will exacerbate this, even if decreases in windspeed offset this to some extent. Overall, the interplay of changes in precipitation characteristics, and the increase in atmospheric demand tends to increase the occurrence and severity of drought in most regions of the world, even when mean precipitation is expected to increase.
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