Monday, 23 January 2012
Comparison of Ozone Trends in the Lowermost Troposphere At European Ozonosonde Stations and At Beijing
Hall E (New Orleans Convention Center )
This paper deals with the comparison of ozone trends in the lowermost troposphere at European ozonosonde stations and at Beijing and at Sapporo in Japan up to 4 km, because the greatest differences are expected in the lowermost troposphere due to strong industrial development in Beijing. We use the ozonosonde data from these stations: Payerne, Hoheipeissenberg, Uccle, Lindenberg and the period 2001-2008. We also use measurements of ozone vertical profile from Japanese station Sapporo which is situated in the rural areas. All these stations use the ECC type of ozonosonde. We grouped months into the seasons and at each season we search for ozone trend. The results shown that there are some obvious different variation characteristics in the ozone vertical profiles at European and Asian stations, and the greatest differences are observed in the lowermost troposphere in Beijing due to strong human activities.
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