Preliminary analyses of the driftsonde soundings show some interesting thermodynamic and wind structures. The 45 soundings released from one driftsonde system show the detailed temperature structures from the surface to 60 hPa over the ocean, along coast and over east Antarctic Plateau. The temperature profiles over land show a very strong near-surface inversion, while those over the ocean have very complex lower-troposphere temperature structure. Waves are seen in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere in all profiles. The composite of all 647 soundings show spatially coherent variability of winds at 100 hPa (clockwise circulation) which is characteristic of the polar vortex, while the winds at 500 hPa are much less spatially coherent and weaker. The wind over Antarctic is much stronger over the ocean than the interior. NOAA PROducts Validation System (NPROVS) is used to collect and compare Concordiasi driftsonde data with co-located satellite products, forecast analysis and reanalysis. Since the driftsonde data were not assimilated into the forecast models, it provides independent evaluations of the models. Preliminary analysis concludes that two hyper-spectral infrared products generally show cold biases and dry (moist) biases in lower troposphere (middle/upper tropsphere). The satellite data can reproduce temperature profiles reasonably well, but are deficient in humidity. More detailed analyses will be conducted. The comparisons will shed light on performance of satellite data products and ultimately improve their assimilation in numerical weather prediction models.
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