Tuesday, 24 January 2012
NPP/JPSS Instrumental Performance Trending and Bias Monitoring in STAR Integrated Cal/Val System (ICVS)
Hall E (New Orleans Convention Center )
As the first of next generation operational polar-orbiting satellite system, NPP sensors will be bringing valuable data to the international community for both real-time weather and climate applications. The current NOAA POES Integrated CalVal System (ICVS) for instrumental performance trending can be updated to cover all NPP/JPSS sensors for real time in-orbit performance monitoring. The ICVS will trend the instrument noise and track instrument house-keeping information, and record the sensor anomalies into metadata files for future productions of climate data records. A global bias monitoring system (GBMS) is also developed for characterizing the NPP/JPSS sensor biases relative to both NCEP and ECMWF global forecasts (6-hour guess fields) as well as measurements from the reference sensors such as NOAA/METOP-A instruments. The WMO Global Space-Based Inter-Calibration System (GSICS) baseline algorithms (e.g. Simultaneous Nadir Overpassing, SNO and Double Difference Technique, DDT) are used to cross-calibrate NPP/JPSS sensors to the reference sensors. The in-orbit performance parameters and inter-sensor biases from these systems are extremely important for building robust NPP/JPSS climate data records. As a demonstration, JPSS ATMS data, after its cross-calibration, are used to generate the atmospheric temperature data record. The existing NOAA Microwave Integrated Retrieval System (MIRS) will be used to retrieve the temperature and water vapor profile retrievals. These new temperature data records will be connected to those derived from MSU and AMSU-A on board previous NOAA satellites for long-term climate monitoring, which requires consistency, high precision and accuracy.
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