92nd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting (January 22-26, 2012)

Tuesday, 24 January 2012: 3:30 PM
Necessity of Research for Future Space Weather Predictions
Room 252/253 (New Orleans Convention Center )
Lawrence J. Zanetti, APL, Laurel, MD; and R. E. erlandson, M. kelly, and L. dyrud

The major grant funding agencies of NSF, NASA and the DoD have recognized this need for systems research to solutions of space weather problems and have over the past 10-15 years emphasized such an approach. In addition large team grants have been awarded and centers of excellence have been established. Agencies that fund missions have also focused on observations critical to the understanding of space weather phenomena of the Sun-heliosphere-geospace and near-Earth space system, including routine broadcasts of real-time observations. Controversial proposals have also been put forth of possible connections of solar variability and long-term (centuries) climate change. Advanced measurements, such as those on ACE and STEREO along with high and low altitude Geospace missions, are crucial for advances in research, modeling and future prediction capability.

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