The CHAMP accelerometer satellite observations during the 2009 SSW appeared to show a neutral density decrease, indicating an upper thermospheric cooling. Modeling the period indicated that the main cooling signature could be attributed to changes in geomagnetic activity, rather than as a result of the SSW itself. On the contrary, whole atmosphere modeling indicated a slight warming in response to the SSW. However, this warming was relatively small and would have been difficult to discern in the local-time sampling of the satellite, and due to a much larger contribution to the variability from geomagnetic sources. At this stage, therefore, it is not possible to ascertain if a cooling or warming occurred in the upper thermosphere in response to the stratospheric warming.
In January 2010, a weaker warming occurred, which enables the physical interpretation of the whole atmosphere, electrodynamic, plasma density, and neutral density response to be tested. The 2010 event was quite different from the 2009 warming. In 2009, the stratosphere polar vortex split, with a large increase in zonal wave number two. In 2010, however, the conditions were more indicative of a displaced vortex, with predominantly an increase in zonal wave number one. In spite of these differences, modeling of the event in 2010 still showed a significant change in the amplitude of the migrating tidal modes in the lower thermosphere. Comparing the two events provides an ideal opportunity to test and validate whole atmosphere models, and enable the physical processes involved in the dynamic, electrodynamics, and plasma and neutral density response to be unraveled.
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