92nd American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting (January 22-26, 2012)

Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Air Quality Proving Ground: Evaluating GOES-R ABI Products with Proxy Data
Hall E (New Orleans Convention Center )
Alexandra St. Pé, JCET/Univ. of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD; and R. M. Hoff, H. Zhang, A. Huff, S. Kondragunta, C. Xu, P. Ciren, E. S. Yang, and S. A. Christopher

In anticipation of the 2015 scheduled launch of NOAA's first next-generation geostationary satellite, GOES-R, the Air Quality Proving Ground (AQPG) created an Advisory Group of air quality forecasters and analysts to provide valuable input on GOES-R air quality products. The Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI), a key instrument aboard GOES-R, will provide the air quality forecasting community with contemporary and enhanced aerosol products, such as multi-band aerosol retrieval, aerosol type information, and Visible, Infrared, Water Vapor imagery. This summer, the AQPG conducted a test bed to bridge the gap between GOES-R ABI research and the future operational scenario. Since GOES-R radiances do not exist at this point, the team generated hourly GOES-R ABI proxy data from 12:00-23:00 UTC daily during July 12-30, 2011 from forecasts of the WRF/CMAQ model. Simulated on-orbit radiances were derived from the Community Radiative Transfer Model (CRTM). The GOES-R ABI aerosol products were then produced as they will be in real-time processing and distributed to selected users in near real-time. The GOES-R ABI proxy images provided users with an improved understanding of future GOES-R product capabilities, as well as useful to provide the developers with feedback for these future GOES-R aerosol products. Overall there was consensus among the users concerning the strengths and weaknesses of the ABI proxy data. The GOES-R True Color (RGB) simulated images provided indication of haze, however struggled with cloud development in regions where the WRF/CMAQ forecast model's resolution was unable to account for small scale processes such as thunderstorm activity. The Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) simulated images yielded high agreement with the GOES Aerosol and Smoke Product (GASP), derived from the current GOES geostationary satellite, allowing forecasters to focus on "hot spot" areas of elevated AOD. Finally, the Advisory Group emphasized on improvements to the formatting and presentation of the aerosol type product.

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