Thomas Rink, Tommy Jasmin, Thomas Achtor Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies Space Science and Engineering Center University of Wisconsin-Madison
McIDAS-V is an open-source, freely available software package for analysis and visualization of geophysical data. Its advanced capabilities provide very interactive, 4-D displays linked to Python based user defined computation and analysis. McIDAS-V follows an object-oriented design model, using the Java programming language, allowing specialized extensions to the core architecture for new sources and storage formats of geophysical data. This framework has been extended so that McIDAS-V is now “NPP-enabled”. These customizations to support the HDF5 storage format have been demonstrated with the JPSS NPP proxy data provided by the NOAA GRAVITE archive and server (Government Resource for Algorithm Verification, Independent Testing, and Evaluation), which can be used directly in the latest version of McIDAS-V. Multiple data granules are automatically aggregated with seamless cross-granule sub-setting and external file metadata are integrated into the system. Techniques for handling specific instrument characteristics, for example, VIIRS bow-tie deletion and CrIS FOV storage format, are being developed and tested. Tools for display and interrogation of VIIRS, CrIS and ATMS are being developed by leveraging capabilities already proven for MODIS, AIRS and IASI.
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