Wednesday, 9 January 2013: 9:15 AM
Room 8ABC (Austin Convention Center)
Climate is critically important to society, and scientists have an important role to play in informing the public, media and policymakers. Scientists can help in publicizing and illuminating climate science. However, this task requires combining climate science expertise with advanced communication skills. It is possible to convey scientific information accurately without using jargon or technical concepts unfamiliar to non-scientists. However, making this translation into clear and compelling everyday language is a job that few scientists have been trained to do. We give examples from our work with scientists to enhance their ability to communicate well. We have provided training, technical assistance, and communications tools to climate scientists and to universities, government agencies, and the private sector. Our experience ranges from preparing Congressional testimony to writing major climate science reports to appearing on television. We have also aided journalists in gathering reliable scientific information and identifying trustworthy experts. Additionally, we have developed resources and made them freely available online at These include a feature on the links between climate change and extreme weather, a climate science primer, and graphics and video explaining key developments in climate change science.
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